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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Our Heavenly Father is the God of more. The problem is we His children always settle for less. While Lent is a time of less, it...

The truth is no matter what we think is good, God offers us better. Glory be to the Father!

Change in attitude
Where is our attitude; How is it formed; Why does it have so much power? More importantly, how do we get it more Christ-centered? ...

Jesus shows us falling isn't failing if we get back up. He falls three times and gets up to face His death. Glory be to the Father!

of the Cross. After attending a service spend additional time at a particular station that has touched your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit...

In these 40 days
Between now and Easter Sunday God can do supernatural things in our lives; if we let Him. Glory be to the Father!

An external sign of our interiority. Glory be to the Father!

Getting humble
Versus getting humbled. As we prepare for tomorrow - Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, we really must check our attitudes at the...

The Internal
We can be overly complicated; especially on the inside (our souls.) It is often not what we say or do that causes our greatest sins. We...

Jesus was considered a radical by the Jewish leaders; and He calls us to be radical as well. To understand our calling we must...
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