Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe

​Artist: Auguste Rodin's "The Thinker"
Philosopher: Rene Descartes "I think therefore I am"
Genesis 1:26 "Then God said: Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness."
Through our God given intellect we come to our full potential as His children, venturing our temporary home called Earth, while destined for Heaven. To believe, to understand, to know, requires us to seek, to think, to come to a conclusion. Through those efforts we contribute to the greater good in our daily lives. God inspired Rodin to make the sculpture, Descartes to philosophy, and Moses to write Genesis.
For that we must discern the truths from the lies. To be perfectly clear, all truth originates from God and all lies are from the prince of lies, the devil. While all lies contain a certain degree of truth, they can be recognized for what they are. Without thinking about what we hear or see we can fall victim to a lie which can quickly have a rabbit hole affect where the evil can continue to take advantage of an unsuspecting soul.
Starting from a new beginning. 8 years ago the Holy Spirit inspired the development of this website. It was not advertised, but left for God to guide those He wanted to find it. It is now time to revise with a simpler format and message.
Most of the world has fallen asleep and is adrift. Individualism, Modernism, Relativism, Feminism, Hedonism and others are destroying us (family, community, church, state.) We have gone from participants to spectators in many aspects of our lives as the later doesn't require any real activity and we can just focus on ourselves. God created us and calls us to contribute based on our talents.
We must realize everything we say and do has an impact on our world. I used the word "asleep" in the previous paragraph. The biblical meaning is "to not be paying attention." We watch the world around us and we see little, seemingly insignificant changes and we think it's not a big deal. it won't make a big difference. But fairly quickly we see a bunch of those little changes have brought about big changes that can't be undone.
This week let us pray for the Heavenly Wisdom from our Father to recognize the lies and have the boldness to say and do something where we are in a position to do so.. Truth said out of love is the light which dispels the darkness. And with Jesus the darkness will not prevail.