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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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New normal
In truly living who we were created to be everything in our lives takes on new meaning - a new normal. Love is the energy source that...

It's not about rights - our own truths, do what we want when we want. It's about free from sin, death, and the ways of this world. It's...

One BIG family with ONE all loving and merciful Father. God Bless!

A child's desires
Children just want to be loved and feel safe. This is what God wants for all His children. He loves us and provides for us. Like a...

The "3" BIG lies
Fame - Fortune - Power. These are what the evil one uses to lure us from our promised inheritance. But they are only temporary and of...

The world today is full of "influencers" - wear this, buy such and such, or use that. There should be only one Influencer in one's life...

Changing direction
Also known as conversion (change of beliefs) can happen anytime, and more than once. Like the father of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)...

Our way... often not God's way. Our way is often the "easy" way. God's way takes us out of our comfort zone and challenges us. God's way...

More and less
The more time we spend with God and our brothers and sisters; the less opportunity to get caught up by worldly allurements. God Bless!

True identity
Children of the One True God - Creator of the heavens and earth. Priests, Prophets, and Kings on a sojourn to our true home. Yet so...
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