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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Secondary cause
I was listening to Fr. John Ricardo on EWTN Radio yesterday and heard him use this term. I immediately thought of a similar image to...

How do we help?
We pray. We trust God. And we remain firm. Quite often it's not what we do, but what we don't do. Amen.

We see smiles on the outside, but the inside is full of pain and suffering. God sees through it and family and friends suspect something...

Yet another amazing Gift
Forgiveness. God is all loving, all knowing, and all forgiving. We only have to ask. And our sin(s) become like a drop(s) of water in...

No blame game
We have to go back to God created us in His image and likeness. We have intellect and an innate desire for love. Any decision we (You...

Other rules
Let's be honest, life is full of rules - parent's rules of the house, school code of conduct, rules of the road, and employer policies. ...

More on the rules
God, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, made us in His image and likeness. Not in appearance, but in intellect and dignity. At the...

Too many rules?
God expects too much of us? Our God who is love, creates out of love, and sustains out of love, asks us to love and gave us 10...

Anything not of God and His Plan is disordered. It's just that simple. Any attempt by anyone to say otherwise is playing god and...

Proper order
Everything starts with God and our self. And, everything ends with God and our self. God is in every aspect and detail of our lives. ...
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