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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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Lifted up
When we help the Lord lift someone up, He lifts us up aw well. Amen.
Habit forming
Not only for our selves, but for others as well. The acceptance of God's love and desire to live in it is what is missing in this world...
Visible difference
On occasion, God graces us with the opportunity to witness the outcome of our cooperation with Him. Amen.
True conversion
Simply means there is no turning back. We stay the course. Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the light. Amen.
Talking the talk
Simply sharing the difference having Jesus in our lives makes. And not always with words. Amen.
Walking the walk
Be authentic. Amen.
Softer side
Jesus is God; both Divine and human. In His humanity, we find a softer side we can relate to. This is where we meet Him and develop an...
Opening our hearts
The secular world hardens hearts. Our hearts need to burn! Trusting our Lord and His plan for us brings about the peace which opens our...
Big deal
We tend to make a big deal out of almost anything and everything. Take stupid marital arguments as just one example. If we focus on...
Waking up
It is so easy and desirable to just get comfortable. God calls us like a gentle alarm clock to get uncomfortable - so we can grow and...
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