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Closing the Greatest Distance in the Universe
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During this first week of Advent, our focus is Hope. Our hope is for the Second Coming of Christ as He promised. And in our hope we can...
Advent 2020
This year's global event has certainly illustrated the necessity of preparation and endurance. And so it is with Advent. We prepare and...
Don't keep score
We are all suppose to be on the same "team." It is not about I did this, so you have to do that. Amen.
God loves you!
Let me say it again, "God Loves You!" Now you say it, "God Loves Me." Say it like you mean it, because God means it. Write it on a...
His will
Self giving love. Seemingly difficult for so many to comprehend or appreciate today. Yet, the solution to all human problems. If you...
There is something greater...
Matthew 12:41-42 At the judgment, the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at the...
Small .1
Our simple cooperation allows our Lord to stretch, twist, and intertwine us to become something we couldn't become on our own. And...
Like a needle and thread. St Paul tells us "...when we are weak, we are strong..." We struggle with allowing Jesus Christ to be in...
King of the Universe
Our Friend, Brother, Teacher, Master, Savior, Second Person of the Holy Trinity is coming again. Are we ready? Amen
God's creativity
Maybe at first glance you don't find this landscape appealing. But when you walk it for several days and add the smells, sounds, and...
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