CompetitivenessDefinition: possession of a strong desire to be more successful than others. Yet Jesus tells us, "Thus, the last will be first, and the...
CollaborativeWe don't have to look very far to see examples of people working for themselves or a select few. Genesis 1:28 "God said to them: Be...
A flickerGod calls each of us to be a light burning brightly. But. How much light does one candle provide in a darkened area? Very little. How...
Like a rippleIf we shared Jesus with someone yesterday. And that person shares Jesus with someone today. What will tomorrow look like? And what...
Echoes Jesus' words echo from the pages of the Gospels. Jesus' words echo in our hearts. Now we need to let Jesus' words echo from our lips. ...
Think before we actIn that thought ask the question, "What does God want me to do?" Then we listen to our hearts. Our response should glorify God and/or ...
So many rules!?Why does God and the Church have so many rules? Rules are restrictive, right? The real question is "What does God and the Church want...
Is there......someone you forgot to be? Life is so complicated, yet it is so easy to get lost. If we look in the mirror and don't recognize...
Why not?In mankind's relatively short history we see a pattern of doing the same thing over and over trying to achieve a different result. The...
PersevereThe world seems to be filled with nothing but chaos, conflict, and confusion. These are the ways of the evil one. As children of God we...